
Management Concept in Physical Education And Sport

Publisher: Khel Sahitya Kendra
Author: DR. M.L. KAMLESH
ISBN: 9788175247888
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Management Concept in Physical Education And Sport by DR. M.L. KAMLESH, Edition 2016

Management Concepts in Physical Education and Sport highlights the strategic application of evolving fundamental principles of management with a genuine professional approach to shoe-shining the processes and procedures of physical education and sports - both professional and amateur - at all levels of organization.
Spread over seventeen chapters, this text of its own kind in physical education literature critically examines various managerial concepts like planning, organizing, directing, staffing, budgeting, controlling etc., as they operate in the world of business and industry and the way their underlying principles and guidelines can be applied to improving the academic functions such as professional preparation, curriculum formulation, leadership development, etc; administrative and organizational processes like facilities, equipment, and event management; human resource (personnel) management, public relations, etc., in physical education and sports especially in schools, colleges and universities.
Written in lucid style, simple and understandable English and pregnant with highly illuminating thought content, the book is sure to make a lasting impression on reader's mind.

  • Author:
  • Binding Type:Hardcover
  • ISBN:9788175247888
  • Total Pages:0
  • Publishing Year:
  • Language:English

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