
Soda Politics:- Taking on Big Soda (And Winning)

Publisher: OUP USA
Author: Marion Nestle
ISBN: 9780190263430
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Soda Politics:- Taking on Big Soda (And Winning) by Marion Nestle

Sodas are astonishing products. Little more than flavored sugar-water, these drinks cost practically nothing to produce or buy, yet have turned their makers--principally Coca-Cola and PepsiCo--into a multibillion-dollar industry with global recognition, distribution, and political power. Billed as "refreshing," "tasty," "crisp," and "the real thing," sodas also happen to be so well established to contribute to poor dental hygiene, higher calorie intake, obesity, and type-2 diabetes that the first line of defense against any of these conditions is to simply stop drinking them. Habitually drinking large volumes of soda not only harms individual health, but also burdens societies with runaway healthcare costs.

  • Author:
  • Binding Type:Hardbound
  • ISBN:9780190263430
  • Total Pages:528
  • Publishing Year:
  • Language:English
  •  Cash On Delivery(COD) not available

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