
WAKE UP INDIA! Essays for our Times

Publisher: YS Books International
Author: Koshy A.V., Bina Biswas
ISBN: 9789383793204
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When a Pushcart Prize nominee for poetry with six or seven books to his credit and a writer whose translations of an Urdu poet have been nominated for a Nobel who also has six or seven books to her credit get together and bring out a compilation of their essays on India in a post-modern, minimalist, aporia-ridden effort what will the result be? A delectable potpourri, a Cortazarian hopscotch, a collage, a montage, a bricolage, an assemblage of fragments 'shored against ruins' that is poetic in pieces, literary at times, critical, theoretical and surface-centred at others and sketchy too at places, definitely.

  • Author:
  • Binding Type:Paper Back
  • ISBN:9789383793204
  • Total Pages:208
  • Publishing Year:
  • Language:English

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